Scientific Journal2024-10-02T02:30:07+00:00Miftah Faiz Ali Ramdhani,S.Kom., MMmierae412@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>NIAGARA Scientific Journal with ISSN 1997-293X and e-ISSN 2807-5439. The NIAGARA Scientific Journal is published twice a year (period 1: January to June, period 2: July to December). This journal contains scientific articles on public administration and commercial administration written in two languages, namely Indonesian and English. NIAGARA Scientific Journal published by LPPM Banten School of Administrative Sciences.</p> <p>The Scientific Journal of NIAGARA has reviewed and assessed the practice of public administration and Commerce Administration at the local, regional, national and international levels which are directed at managing the development process in low- and middle-income countries. It pays special attention to the investigation of the management of all phases of formulation, implementation and evaluation of public policies that have interests and interests outside of a particular government and state.</p> <p>All submitted articles will never be published elsewhere, are original and are not being considered for another publication. Applications are open all year round. Before submitting, please ensure that the manuscript fits the focus and scope of the NIAGARA Scientific Journal and follows our author guidelines & manuscript templates.</p> Program Kartu Indonesia Pintar (KIP) Tahun 2021-20222024-06-20T07:17:54+00:00Tjahyo<p><em>Smart Indonesia Card programme almost ten years after president’s instruction. The goal is for insurance Indonesia's student rights to study at school. Hence, through this research hopefully can be the solution of the programme’s problem. The method of this qualitative research is the approach from Cunningham (2016). Reason of declined drop out's number is the minimum of control in Smart Indonesia Card utilisation</em></p>2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 NIAGARA Scientific Journal Program Sekolah Penggerak Dalam Kebijakan Merdeka Belajar Di Kabupaten Pandeglang 2024-05-29T14:06:26+00:00Dinta Nurachmadintanur06@gmail.comArenawati<p><em>One of Merdeka Belajar's products is the Driving School Program. In principle, the Driving School aims to improve the quality of education in Indonesia, and this Driving School is a program that focuses on developing student learning outcomes holistically through realizing and focusing on learning based on the Pancasila student profile. Driving schools have characteristics that are in accordance with the characteristics of the Education Policy. In its implementation, the Driving School Program in Pandeglang Regency encountered various problems such as the lack of a role for supervisors at driving schools in developing and improving school resources, lack of outreach and support from the local government and budget limitations which hampered program implementation. The aim of this research is to determine the implementation of the Driving School Program in the Independent Learning Policy in Pandeglang Regency. The theory used is the theory of George C. Edward III. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods. The data collection techniques used were interviews, observation and documentation. The results of the research show that the implementation of the Mobilizing School Program in Pandeglang Regency has not proceeded according to the existing objectives because efforts are still needed to resolve these problems starting from ongoing communication between all parties concerned. Adequate resources, and the readiness or attitude of policy implementers so that the driving school program policy is implemented in accordance with the rules and is carried out well.</em></p>2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 NIAGARA Scientific Journal Pengelolaan Sampah (Studi Kasus Upt Pengelolaan Sampah Bangkonol Kabupaten Pandeglang)2024-07-01T08:07:14+00:00Gian<p><em>Waste management services are included in public services which aim to serve the community in managing the waste produced. In waste management services, good performance is needed so that waste management can run effectively. In general, the definition of effectiveness is a level of success produced by a person and organization in a certain way in accordance with the goals to be achieved. According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), effectiveness is the usefulness of activeness and the existence of compatibility in an activity between a person carrying out a task and the goals to be achieved. In other words, the more plans are successfully achieved, the more an activity is considered effective. Waste management at the Bangkonol Waste Management UPT, Pandeglang Regency has not been effective. This can be viewed from several aspects, namely, achieving the objectives of the Bangkonol Waste Management UPT, whose objectives have not yet been fully achieved. Judging from the aspect of duties or functions, the Bangkonol Waste Management UPT is apparently still lacking in carrying out its duties and functions. Aspects of plans or programs related to planning or determining programs to be achieved by the Bangkonol Waste Management UPT from several programs have not yet been implemented as planned, because they are hampered by obstacles which have resulted in several programs not being implemented to date. In terms of the provisions and regulations, it is in accordance with the rules and regulations, but in terms of management it is still not in accordance with the regulations</em></p>2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 NIAGARA Scientific Journal That Influence Hotel Guest Loyalty2024-06-25T11:53:52+00:00Belinda Belindabelindasvnv@gmail.comJoko S Dwi<p><em>This scientific work aims to analyze the factors that influence hotel guest loyalty, with a focus on the competitive hotel industry. This study covers various relevant aspects such as service quality, hotel facilities, pricing, user experience, hotel reputation, and guest experience and reputation management. The research methods used include literature studies and analysis of key factors that have been researched and proven to influence guest satisfaction and loyalty. The results of this analysis show that high service quality, adequate facilities, appropriate pricing according to the value provided, as well as effective management of guest experience and reputation greatly contribute to increasing the level of guest satisfaction and loyalty. This research also highlights the importance of using technology in managing the guest experience, regularly monitoring feedback, and adapting to changing market trends to maintain hotel competitiveness in an increasingly competitive market. The practical implication of this scientific work is that hotels can improve their strategies in managing various factors that influence guest loyalty to achieve competitive advantage and build fruitful long-term relationships with their guests. In conclusion, continuous efforts to improve service quality, facilities, price management and user experience are the keys to success for hotels in creating a satisfying stay experience and building strong loyalty with their guests.</em></p>2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 NIAGARA Scientific Journal Kinerja Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja Dalam Pelaksanaan Razia Minuman Keras Di Kota Serang2024-06-21T13:27:04+00:00Imelda Aprilianiimeldaapriliani13@gmail.comHasuri<p><em>The purpose of this research is to find how the performance evaluation of the pamong praja police unit in the implementation of liquor raids in Serang City. In this research, the author uses a qualitative descriptive method. Researchers use observation, interviews, and documentation to collect data. The data ovtained is then analyzed through Data Reduction, Data Display, and Conclusion Drawing/Verification. The findings show that: Coordination before the curbing operation. In relation to coordination before the curbing operation, Satpol PP Serang City has coordinated with the PPNS, urban village, sub-district and neighborhood. Implementation of Standard Operating Procedures. In the Implentation of the SOP, the Serang City Civil Service Police Unit ini quite fully implementing the applicable SOP. in the implementation of operations to supervise and control the circulation of alcoholic beverages, there has never been rejection/resistance from violators. The initial report is one form of accountability of the Serang City Civil Service Police Unit which carries out a report after the implementation of an operation and accountability by the Serang City Civil Service Police Unit is an internal evaluation to dsicuss strategies for implementing better operations in the future so that accountability can be said to be good.</em></p>2024-07-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 NIAGARA Scientific Journal Pengaruh Trust In The Organization Terhadap Knowledge Sharing Dalam Dunia Perusahaan 2024-05-30T03:04:02+00:00Firda Setiawatifirdasetiawati17@gmail.comWawan Prahiawanfirdasetiawati17@gmail.comLiza<p><em>This study aims to investigate the influence of trust in organizations on knowledge sharing in the context of the corporate world. Trust in the organization was identified as a key factor that can influence knowledge sharing. In developing the research framework, qualitative methods were chosen with a focus on empirical analysis. Data was obtained through reference literature, reference books, Google Scholar. The research results show that trust in the organization has a positive effect on knowledge sharing between superiors, subordinates and colleagues. The conclusion of this research highlights the importance of trust in organizations within the company to share knowledge with fellow employees. Research implications of the influence of trust in organizations on knowledge sharing in the corporate world (empirical and theoretical studies in implementation) </em></p>2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 NIAGARA Scientific Journal Peraturan Bupati Tapin Nomor 22 Tahun 2018 Tentang Kebijakan Dan Strategi Daerah Dalam Pengelolaan Sampah Rumah Tangga Dan Sampah Sejenis Sampah Rumah Tangga Di Kabupaten Tapin (Studi Kasus Di Kelurahan Bitahan)2024-07-01T08:15:30+00:00Agus Sya’bani<p><em>The problem phenomenon that occurs is that the Bilahan sub-district does not have the facilities and infrastructure to manage household waste and household-like waste, there is a lack of socialization from the sub-district and district governments to the community, and there is a lack of public awareness regarding the cleanliness of the community environment. In Article 8 paragraph 2, the Regent is responsible for procuring land, facilities and infrastructure for managing household waste and similar types of household waste in accordance with the provisions of statutory regulations. This research aims to find out how implementation is, the factors that influence implementation and what efforts are made to overcome inhibiting factors in implementation. This research uses a qualitative descriptive research method. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews and documentation. The data source was taken through a sampling technique, namely purposive sampling, totaling 12 people. The data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. And using data credibility tests is carried out, among other things, by extending observations, increasing persistence in research, triangulation, negative case analysis, using reference materials and holding member checks. The results of the research show that the implementation of Tapin Regent Regulation Number 22 of 2018 concerning Regional Policies and Strategies in the Management of Household Waste and Waste Similar to Household Waste in Lokpaikat District, Tapin Regency (Case Study of Bilahan Subdistrict) is not yet good, there are 6 sub-variables and 14 indicators, 10 indicators are not yet good and 4 indicators are quite good. The indicators that are quite good are goals, coordination, economic conditions and social conditions. Meanwhile, indicators that are not good are measures of success, human resources, budget resources, implementer time resources, formal organization, informal organization, implementor response, problem cognition, cooperation, and political conditions. The driving factors are goals and coordination. Inhibiting factors are the absence of waste management facilities, lack of socialization and lack of public awareness. The researcher's suggestion to the Head of the Land and Environment Service is to carry out regular outreach through the sub-districts and sub-districts/villages, the head of the Bitahan Village, Lokpaikat District, Tapin Regency so that they can allocate the budget for waste management facilities and the community is expected to have awareness and cooperation regarding waste management.</em></p> <p> </p>2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 NIAGARA Scientific Journal of the Street Children Development Program Policy in Serang City2024-01-19T08:35:39+00:00Refa Arta Sari<p><em>From the background of the problem, the researcher focused this research on how to implement the Street Children Development Program Policy in Serang City. The implementation of the street children development program is not yet optimal because there are still many street children's activities, especially in Serang City. The aim of this research is to find out how the Street Children Development Program Policy is implemented in Serang City. This research uses Van Horn and Van Metter's theory that the success of implementation is influenced by the implementation of a policy which is influenced by the characteristics of the implementing agent which includes bureaucratic structure, norms, and relationship patterns that occur in the bureaucracy in fulfilling resources, both human and human resources. non-human attitudes or tendencies of implementors include responses, understandings and value preferences held by implementors, communication between related organizations in the sense of coordination; as well as economic, social and political environmental conditions. The method used in this research is a qualitative method. Data collection techniques use interviews, observations and documentation studies. The informants for this research were the Serang City Social Service, Serang City SATPOL PP (Prajapati Police Unit), Serang City PSA (Child Social Workers), Serang City KPJ (Street Singers Community), Street Children and Street Children's Families. Testing the validity of researchers using triangulation of sources and techniques. It can be said that the research results in the Implementation of the Street Children Development Program Policy in Serang City have not run optimally.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p> <p><em> </em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: Street children, Implementation of the Street Children Development Program Policy in Serang City.</em></strong></p>2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 NIAGARA Scientific Journal Harga, Promosi, Dan Kualitas Produk Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Pada E-Commerce Lazada Indonesia2024-06-26T04:40:15+00:00Tatu Maftuhahtatumaftuhah111112@gmail.comJoko S Dwi<p>Consumer behavior is the basis for consumers to make purchasing decisions. The activity of thinking, considering and questioning goods before buying is or is included in consumer behavior. One of the consumer behaviors that is widely researched is the factors that encourage purchasing decisions. Several previous studies related to purchasing decision making obtained simultaneous positive results between price, promotion and product quality on consumer decisions in determining purchases. This article reviews several journals related to the correlation of purchasing decisions with perceptions of price, promotion and product quality, marketing management literature review. Based on the results of this research, it simultaneously shows that Price, Promotion and Product Quality influence Purchasing Decisions. Therefore, it is important for companies to understand consumer behavior. In order to determine marketing management to win the hearts of consumers.</p> <p>Keywords: Consumer Behavior, Price, Promotion, Product Quality, Purchasing Decisions</p>2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 NIAGARA Scientific Journal Pembelajaran Kewirausahaan Dan Praktik Kerja Lapangan (PKL) Terhadap Minat Siswa Untuk Berwirausaha Di SMK Negeri 4 Pandeglang2024-06-25T12:25:57+00:00Entin Kurniaentinkurnia23@gmail.comTrisna<p><em>Education at the Vocational High School (SMK) level is indeed made and designed by the Government, in this case the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Indonesia is made different from Senior High School (SMA). At the vocational level, students are equipped with Field Work Practice (PKL) programs with the aim that students are able to compete in the industrial or business world. In addition, SMK also teaches Entrepreneurship material which aims to make students have an interest in entrepreneurship in the future.</em></p> <p><em>This study aims to determine how influential entrepreneurship learning materials and fieldwork practice activities (PKL) are on the interest in entrepreneurship in students within SMK Negeri 4 Pandeglang, especially in students of Office Management & Business Services / MPLB class XI and XII expertise programs totaling 135 people.</em></p> <p><em>By using descriptive research methods with a quantitative approach, the following research results were obtained: 1). Entrepreneurial learning with an entrepreneurial interest of 0.692 shows a strong relationship between the two variables. Meanwhile, based on KD scores, entrepreneurship learning (X1) affects entrepreneurial interest (Y) by 47.88%. While the remaining 52.11% was influenced by other factors; 2). Field Work Practice (PKL) on entrepreneurial interest in obtaining a correlation value of 0.577, which shows that there is a relationship between fieldwork practice and entrepreneurial interest, with the relationship that occurs is strong and positive. Meanwhile, based on the KD value, fieldwork practices (X2) affect entrepreneurial interest (Y) by 33.29%. While the remaining 66.71% was influenced by other factors; 3). Based on the calculation results of the SPSS program version 27.0.1, an R2 value of 0.541 was obtained with a Fcalculate value of 77,734 while Ftable with a significance level of 5% obtained the numerator degree k = 2 and df = n-k-1 = 135-2-1 = 132, then the Ftable value was obtained at 0.32629. The result of Fcalculate (77.734) > Ftabel (3.06), thus Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. Apart from the table above, it can be seen that the probability value of 0.000 means that this number is smaller than the significance level (0.000 < 0.05). Thus, entrepreneurship learning and fieldwork practices together are significant to the interest in entrepreneurship at SMK Negeri 4 Pandeglang.</em></p>2024-07-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 NIAGARA Scientific Journal